YouTube Music Could Get Library Upload Feature Soon

YouTube Music is potentially getting a library upload feature. It might come pretty soon too.

A new report from 9To5Google cites “sources familiar with the matter” that state Google is testing the feature already. Though, the test is limited to Google employees only as it’s said to be available through an internal beta version of the app.

That would mean that the public doesn’t have access to this version of YouTube Music at the moment. However, if it’s being internally tested then it might not be long before Google decides to test outside of its own company.

YouTube Music library upload comes from Google Play Music

When it comes to uploading your very own library of music, this is a feature that YouTube Music users have often requested.

It’s a feature that has been available elsewhere though. Notably, Google Play Music. Another Google music streaming app that has been around for quite some time.

The reason Google may be testing the feature in YouTube Music now is due to a transition. A transition from Google Play Music to YouTube Music. With the goal of YouTube Music being the main music streaming app that it offers for a monthly fee.

Rumors of this have been swirling for a while. The first reports of this potential change go back as far as May of 2018. That’s nearly two years ago. Which suggests this sort of change, if it were to happen, would not be a quick transition.

The transition is close at hand

One of the sources reportedly states that the transition is “just around the corner.” Though nothing is mentioned in regards to exact timing.

Just around the corner is a broad statement that could mean anything from a few weeks away to a few months away. In either case, if you’re a YouTube Music subscriber you should be on the lookout for a potential beta version.

Or the capability to use the feature in your own version of the app through official testing. Users should also keep an eye out for any information directly from Google about moving music libraries over from Google Play Music.

As Google is not usually in the habit of such a huge change without letting its users know that they will need to prepare some stuff beforehand.

When the change does happen, it’s not unlikely that Google will allow people to grandfather into the new service at whatever cost they’re already paying. That is if they’re not already paying the same amount.