An update to Telegram version 6.0 is now rolling out to end-users, delivering new organization and new interactive UI features for users across the board. The most prominent of the new changes denoted in the update changelog found in-app is dubbed “Chat Folders.”
As is implied by the branding, Chat Folders takes organizing chats, bots, and groups to a whole new level. Found in the Settings menu on mobile, the feature lets users place chosen chats in their own folders. Those appear in the main app UI as tabs. When new tabs are created, all of a user’s chats now show under an “All Chats” heading. Swiping from left-to-right moves through “folders.”
The company worked to ensure that Chat Folders can be edited. That’s to both include or explicitly exclude chats or types of chats, with categories including Muted, Read, and Archived chats. Users are able to customize tabbed folders’ labels. Best of all, for those who have a larger number of ongoing chats, channels, and groups, each folder can hold an unlimited number of chats.
What else is new with the latest Telegram update?
Of course, Chat Folders might be the most impactful change with the update to Telegram 6.0. But that isn’t the only change for what is easily one of Android’s most popular chat apps. Not only did Telegram recently add animated sticker packs and emoji, but it has also now expanded on those.
Prior to this update, sending a laughing or thumbs-up emoji would cause an oversized, animated version of the emoji to appear in-chat.
Now, Telegram is putting the spotlight on health-related emoji. After the update, sending a bacteria, thermometer, mask, injury, sick, sneezing, soap, syringe, pill, or ambulance emoji will result in an animated version of the same. That will undoubtedly make for a more enjoyable experience, given ongoing health-related issues sweeping the globe.
Conversely, the company is also releasing a new dice animated emoji. But that’s more than just an emoji. Rather than the emoji always landing on the same side, it’s entirely random. So, if a user sends the dice emoji, it will effectively show an onscreen animation rolling some dice. That will land on any of its six sides at random — giving users a way to generate random numbers.
Animations related to video and audio message recordings have been tweaked slightly as well. Now, those show a second ring of the default color seen in the prior animation. That waves in a circular pattern, dancing around the circle UI that appears while recording is ongoing.
Finally, folders aren’t even the sole new organizationally-driven change. Following an update to the app, Telegram ensures that swiped away chats or those marked as archived will automatically hide in the “All Chats” folder. Muted chats will remain in archive too if placed there. That’s as opposed to reappearing when new messages appear in the given chat.
Rolling out now and not just to mobile devices
Telegram is rolling out its update via the Google Play Store now. And the app alterations should be arriving for iOS. But the company certainly isn’t focused only on mobile here. It’s additionally releasing the Chat Folders feature for desktop platforms. So those users who have downloaded Telegram for Windows, Linux, or Mac will see the new changes too.
That means that any folder changes made on mobile or desktop should appear on the other platform as well.