Black Desert Mobile's Ancient Ruins Season 2 Has A New Raid Boss

Black Desert Mobile is getting a small but mighty content update with the arrival of the second season of Ancient Ruins.

Today’s patch notes also include a handful of other updates. Tier 5 pets are one of the new additions with this content patch. You can only get a tier 5 pet by exchanging a tier 4 pet. Even then, it’s only a chance at getting one.

Considering this is the only way to acquire the new tier though, you’re encouraged to exchange as many as you’ll need to in order to get one. Within reason of course. If you have five tier 4 pets and you don’t get a tier 5 pet from the first four, it’s probably a good idea to hold onto that last one until you get more of them.

Black Desert Mobile’s Ancient Ruins season 2 brings in a harder raid boss

If you participated in Ancient Ruins season 1 and you found it to be an enjoyable challenge, you’re in for a treat as the second season of Ancient Ruins in Black Desert Mobile now has a more powerful boss.

His name is Kabuamilles, and players that defeat him will have a chance at some better rewards this time around. The overall rewards have also been increased from the first season, so you’ll not only get better rewards for completion but you’ll get more of them.

New mystical gear, a new bounty mission, and match observation

In addition to the new Ancient Ruins season and the new tier for pets, there’s also new mystical gear to look out for.

Mystical gear itself is not new but there are new pieces that have been added. And all this new mystical gear comes with three slots. You’ll be able to acquire pieces for the helm, armor, gloves, shoes, main weapon, and sub-weapon.

If you’re looking for new mission content to complete, Bounty Missions are an all new mission type which offer up valuable rewards. You won’t be able to undertake these special missions unless you’ve already completed the ‘End of Southwest Calpheon Adventures’ challenge though.

Once you’ve completed that challenge, you can find the bounty missions on the bounty board in towns, but you can only pick up two bounty missions at a time. So you’ll need to finish the ones you have before you can grab more.

It’s also now possible to observe matches in the Ramoness Arena. When entering the Ramoness Arena going forward, there is now a toggle button that allows you to enter watch mode. Turn this on and you can observe matches instead of participate in them.