MotoGP 20 Is Now Available On Stadia, Offers Two Add-Ons

Google announced earlier this week that MotoGP 20 would be arriving on Stadia today, and it’s now available to purchase which means it showed up right on time.

You can grab the game right now for $49.99, and there are two add-ons that can be picked up as well which are $4.99 each. The first add-on is called the VIP Multiplier Pack. If you plan on playing the game often, don’t sleep on this add-on.

What it does is double the amount of reputation and development points you acquire as you play and progress through the game. It doubles the amount of credits you earn through gameplay as well.

The second add-on is called the Historic Pack, which gives you four new riders to choose from. You also get the bikes for each rider. Again this is definitely a pack you’ll want to consider if you plan to play this through to the end. But if you only buy one add-on, consider the VIP Multiplier.

MotoGP 20 is available on Stadia at the standard price

In the past Stadia has received a little bit of bad press for offering games at a higher price than on other platforms.

With MotoGP 20, the game is the same price across all platforms. On Steam it costs $49.99. On PlayStation 4 it costs $49.99. And on Stadia it costs $49.99. So no one is really paying more than anyone else if they’re grabbing the game directly from digital or physical store fronts.

That is to say if you grab the game from Steam on PC it’ll cost you $49.99. If you get it from a place like CDKeys however, you can actually grab the PC version of the game for like $25, and it’s a Steam code.

The character customization is pretty nice, but not extensive

When you boot up the game for the first time, you get to hop in and create your first character.

The character customization is actually pretty nice, though it’s not very extensive. You do get to choose from male or female characters, and you have a variety of different face options to choose from.

You cannot however change the hair style, the skin color, or any other details of the body or face. There’s also only five different face options for the female character compared to the 18 options for the male character, which is interesting.

Other than those particular details, you can also change the name and nationality of your character. Overall you have a little bit of choice here but nothing to write home about.

You don’t come to this game for character customization though. You come to this game for the awesome graphics and the realistic super bike racing gameplay. The customization is just a nice perk.