Jotun And Sundered Are Stadia's Latest Available Games

Stadia’s latest game titles are Jotun and Sundered, both of which were made available to gamers as of the morning of May 26.

You can also pick up each game for less than $20. Making them a pretty good deal for the caliber of game that’s being offered. Stadia’s had plenty of great deals on high-quality titles before, so the addition of Jotun and Sundered at decent prices is just adding to that.

Both Jotun and Sundered are creations of Thunder Lotus Games. And both provide some level of challenge to players. Though Jotun may be the more challenging of the two.

Stadia’s version of Jotun is $14.99 while Sundered is $19.99

If you’re considering grabbing either of these new games for Stadia, then you’ll be happy to know you’re paying the exact same price as Steam players.

These are the same versions of the game too. Specifically the Valhalla Edition and the Eldritch Edition, which are packed with the extra content that you could buy for the games separately as DLC in the past.

Now these aren’t sale prices, but even without that these are still a good deal. Both games are also perfect for being a Stadia Pro title. So if that’s something you are hoping will happen in the future, you might get lucky.

That being said, these may never end up as Pro titles. And if they do they’re likely to be a little way’s out considering they’re just launching.

Climb the ranks in PUBG

Stadia isn’t just getting a couple of new games today. It’s also getting other new content.

PUBG on Stadia now includes the ranked mode. Which means you can test your mettle against other players from around the world with official rankings in the game. While this isn’t exactly an Esports arrival for Stadia, a ranked mode is the next best thing.

Because it gives players the chance to see what ranked play via the cloud is like. And it might be the first step needed before any sort of Esports environment could even thrive on a cloud gaming platform.

In addition to the ranked mode in PUBG, Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath arrived today as well. This is a new story expansion for Mortal Kombat 11, and adds a pretty sizable amount of content, including the new playable character DLC for Robocop.

Players can purchase this add-on pack for $39.99. It includes a couple of other new characters which are Sheeva and Fujin. As well as a new story campaign that is different from the original one that came with the game initially.