OnePlus 7T Gets 960fps Slow Motion Video Recording Via Beta Update

The OnePlus 7T and 7T Pro now support 960fps slow motion video recording, at least those that are updated to the latest beta build. The beta build in question is Open Beta 3, which started rollout out 10 days ago.

Now, this feature was not mentioned in the changelog for that update, at all. In terms of camera changes, the camera lens dirt detection was mentioned, but that’s pretty much it.

960fps slow motion video recording secretly enabled on the OnePlus 7T series

OnePlus secretly enabled 960fps slow motion video recording on the OnePlus 7T series, though. That’s not all, as yet another camera-related feature was enabled. You can now also shoot 4K wide-angle video at 30fps, using the phone’s wide-angle camera.

Now, in terms of 960fps slow motion video recording, it’s not enabled in 1080p, only 720p. This feature, along with 4K wide-angle video recording is expected to move to the stable channel soon.

OnePlus did promise these two features are coming back in September 2019, even before the OnePlus 7T got announced. It took the company a while to deliver, but the feature is finally here.

What’s interesting in all this, is that the OnePlus 7T’s main camera sensor does not support 960fps video recording. It lacks the dedicated DRAM die needed to temporarily store the massive number of frames that are being captured.

The camera is capable of handling 480fps at 720p, though. So, how did OnePlus make this happen? Well, the company probably included some sort of frame interpolation algortihm.

We still do not know how the footage actually looks like, but it will not be as crisp as it would be with a more powerful camera sensor. Still, the company probably wouldn’t push this update if it didn’t think it’s good enough. It’s nice to see the effort, regardless.

Open Beta 3 brought various improvements to the OnePlus 7T family

That Open Beta 3 update did bring various other improvements to the OnePlus 7T series. Android security patch for April landed along with that update, for example.

The ringing duration info for missed calls has been added. Various stability fixes and optimizations have been pushed as well. If you’d like to know more, click here.

The OnePlus 7T and 7T Pro are not exactly old devices, as they were announced half a year ago. They will keep on getting various new updates and features, and it seems like they may get some features ahead of the OnePlus 8 series even.

Still, the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro are the company’s main focus now. Those two devices got announced last month, and have been on sale for a while now. Both of them have received quite a few updates up until now, and will continue to receive them.