Smart Home Freezers, Air Coolers Are Now Google Assistant-Supported

The list of smart home devices supported by Google Assistant has grown again to include freezers and air coolers. That’s according to reports stemming from additions to Google’s official developer documentation for the AI.

As outlined in the documentation, that means users can soon expect to see products for regulating two new facets of their smart home. Air coolers are separated in the documents from the still-included ‘air conditioning units’. Google defines them as devices that allow not only temperature cooling but also humidity control. More specifically, it refers to the fact that air coolers are typically ‘more lightweight’ and ‘portable’. They also tend to have a water tank attached.

The other primary difference here is that air coolers don’t generally set an exact temperature or allow for heating. So, for example, Google says developers will be able to enable smart home interactions for fan speed settings and humidity settings.

Freezers, compared to air coolers, are the more straightforward addition to the Google Assistant. The document points out that these are dedicated to managing temperatures. So users will be able to interact to set temperatures to the desired level. The most likely scenario here is that users will both set and monitor freezer temperatures via Assistant and smart home hubs.

Google Assistant support already expanded well beyond air coolers and freezers

While air coolers and freezers are the latest devices to gain Assistant support, they aren’t the first by any stretch of the imagination. Google has continually added new device categories for third-party OEMs. The central goal here is, of course, to build a foundation for an all-inclusive smart home.

Prior to the latest documentation update, support was already vast. Namely, Google already supported everything from thermostats, air purifiers, ovens, and smoke detectors to sprinkler systems, vacuums, and yogurt makers. The full list is staggering. But the overarching point is to help users get the most out of their smart home.

With the latest entries, users will be able to monitor the temperature of their freezer, for example. That will help both homeowners and businesses alike to keep tabs on the gadget. The net result could feasibly be more efficient appliance energy use. But it could also result in less wasted food from unwanted fluctuations. Perhaps as potently, it allows homeowners to have both a smart fridge and a smart dedicated freezer unit.

Conversely, smart air cooler support brings AI control to more affordable air temperature and humidity management appliances. That’s as opposed to pricey air conditioning units that were already supported. There are obvious trade-offs between the two devices but now Assistant supports both. So users will have more choice.

Devices built on these new additions are still some distance out

Now, developers typically have to wait on documentation to be finalized and pushed out before getting to work building products. That means that developers and OEMs will not likely have supported products that fall into the new categories in the near term. Summarily, this lays the groundwork for third-parties that manufacture the products.

That’s not surprising since every other new addition to the documentation has followed a similar pattern. But the subsequent technology should catch up soon enough.