Every once in a while, Verizon runs an open enrollment program where it allows its customers to buy insurance for their phones, watches, and tablets well after they were purchased. The company has just opened such an enrollment program.
Normally, when you buy a new phone from Verizon and want to add insurance for it, you’ll have to do so within 30 days after buying. Many customers pass on buying insurance initially but want to add one later on. This program by Verizon is precisely designed for such customers. The current open enrollment program will be available through July 20.
Verizon open enrollment program
Verizon is offering multiple insurance plans with varying levels of coverage. The Total Mobile Protection (TMP) plan covers loss, damage, theft, unlimited cracked-screen repairs, and post-warranty defects for $15 per month.
You also get a tech coach, 24/7 claims, and same-day replacement. You can make a maximum of three insurance claims within a 12 months period.
If you increase your budget by another $2 per month, the Verizon Protect plan further offers digital security for your device. It is a suite of privacy and security tools like anti-virus and identity theft protection. This $17/mo plan also gets you Verizon’s spam call detection service. The rest of the perks remain the same as that of the TMP plan.
Verizon also has some cheaper insurance plans for your device. The $6.85/mo Wireless Phone Protection (WPP) plan covers all the basics, such as loss, damage, theft, next-day replacement, and cracked-screen repairs.
However, post-warranty defect coverage is only available for Florida residents under this plan. If you live outside of Florida, you can extend your device’s warranty with a premium of $5 per month.
The Total Equipment Coverage plan, which costs $11 per month, provides post-warranty defect coverage nationwide. You don’t get tech coach, digital security, and call filter services with either of these two plans, though.
Verizon also offers a couple of multi-device plans. If you have several lines on Verizon in your home, these plans let you buy insurance for them at once rather than buying individually. Not only multi-device plans save you some money, but they also add convenience.
Note that the pricing of some plans may vary according to the device’s market cost and category. For instance, the Verizon Protect plan costs $17/mo for smartphones and smartwatches, but only $14/mo for tablets, basic phones, and some lower-cost smartphones.
Check out this Insurance Comparison Chart by the company for a detailed comparison of each plan’s features and pricing.