The 6 Essential Apps For Writers, Journalists And Bloggers

Everything was easier before the Internet. Ok, the information did not come to us as if by magic and things like planning a trip required a considerable investment of time and even money (magazines!), but anyone who is professionally dedicated to the arts of writing, will know that with all the blessings of the Internet also came a great curse: that of annoying distractions.

Fortunately, as Steve Jobs once said: there’s an app for that! And not just one, but thousands and thousands of apps, and not only to avoid distractions, but to easily overcome all the obstacles that writers, journalists and bloggers face in the digital age every day and boost productivity.

To note, professions related to “word processing” usually require special talents that prevent large numbers of people from “joining”. But with the advent of new applications available on Android and iPhone, some classic obstacles can be overcome, allowing more people to participate. If you are someone who is about to start a writing service then this article is for you. Here is a selection of 6 essential apps for journalists, bloggers and writers. Keep reading!

The best apps for writers, journalists and bloggers

– PaperHelper. What is more cumbersome than changing tabs, windows or even browsers to go from the text editor to the screen where the web page with the source of your information is? Especially if you are writing from a mobile device, you will waste time with changes or trying to adjust the size of the windows to see everything at once. PaperHelper does away with that one-swipe problem: it splits the iPad screen in two. On one side it displays a text editor; in the other, a web browser.

– Evernote. We talk about this app on occasion, but it is really essential to find inspiration and information and not lose it. Whether you are on the device you are on, if you see a website, a photo, an audio clip or simply have an interesting idea, you can save it and then access it from anywhere else at another time. Perfect for the search for ideas and for the organization of any writer. To note, ideas are the backbone of every paper.
– Pocket. This app is very similar to Evernote, but much more interesting for those who always find inspiration on social networks and apps: in addition to websites, it allows information from apps such as Twitter, Zite, Flipboard or Pulse to be saved “for later” (and many more, they go as far as 300). It also has a Kindle Fire version, so Amazon fans will be happy.

– CatchNotes. Always carrying a little notebook with you is something very classic and romantic, but it is no longer necessary in the mobile age. The app is a note-taking app that means it allows you to label them and distinguish between text, camera, voice, and task lists. Plus, it lets the user share notes for collaborative work with other users.

– Habit Streak. We already have all the tools ready to get inspired, save ideas and start writing. But that’s when we start procrastinating. How to make writing – or any other task, really – become a habit? According to many professionals/experts, after repeating that activity for 21 days. And that is precisely what they propose in the Habit Streak app: you introduce a habit, every day you say whether you have followed it or not. You will see how when you manage to maintain a habit for several days the simple fact of not wanting to break the chain will motivate you to continue writing.

– Pomodoro. After that dreaded moment in which you sit in front of the computer, open the text editor and … open another tab and consult Facebook, then the mail, then read the news … The Pomodoro technique is what you need: work without pause 25 minutes, rest 5, and so on until you carry four pomodoros (25-minute sessions), when you can rest 20. PomLife Lite brings the technique stopwatch to your mobile.

Hopefully this article is useful for you. Have a nice try and good luck!