Qualcomm just announced two new smartwatch platforms that will introduce a pretty big performance boost to Wear OS.
The new Snapdragon Wear 4100 and Snapdragon Wear 4100+. Both platforms were designed to bring a number of improvements, including boosts to performance and speed. Better and faster connectivity, as well as better battery life are also things to look forward to.
All of these areas are ways that Wear OS has fallen behind other smartwatch options. For many users, Wear OS is well-known for being sluggish, with battery life that is nothing to write home about.
With these two new Qualcomm smartwatch platforms, Wear OS can finally get the improvements it’s been needing for a couple years now.
The new Qualcomm smartwatch platforms will boost Wear OS with faster processors
If you thought Wear OS was sluggish, the processors in the smartwatches are what’s causing it.
The Snapdragon Wear 3100 platform was only a small upgrade from its predecessor. But the Snapdragon Wear 4100 platforms are actually significant updates from that older hardware. Both the Snapdragon Wear 4100+ and the Snapdragon Wear 4100 are using faster processors.
Which means Wear OS smartwatches will finally have faster processors too. These are comprised of a number of improvements including a better CPU, a better GPU, and better memory and cellular modems.
Ultra-low power improvements for noticeable reduction in battery usage
Qualcomm has optimized a number of things across the board for power consumption in the Snapdragon Wear 4100+ which will lead to considerable drops in battery usage.
Things like enhanced Bluetooth 5.0 architecture and low-power location tracking support, and Dual DSPs for optimized workload positioning. All of these are working together to provide up to a 25-percent reduction in power consumption.
Which means users should ultimately see better battery life with these new platforms. Especially on watches that are powered by the Snapdragon Wear 4100+.
Both platforms are already available and currently shipping
Qualcomm says both platforms are already shipping out to customers. This suggests that we could see smartwatches running on either platform before the year is over.
In fact Qualcomm has confirmed that the next version of the Mobvoi TicWatch Pro will be using this platform. The company also mentions that other brands should be shipping their products based on these platforms later this year.
Though it doesn’t mention any of those brands by name. Overall, both platforms are a much-needed boost to Google’s Wear OS. Which should help it be more in line with currently better options from Samsung and other brands.