Spotify's New Feature Makes It Super Simple To Find The Best Podcasts

Spotify is a great place to listen to podcasts, and an even better one if you already use the service for streaming your music, and thanks to Spotify’s new feature finding the best podcasts is going to be a whole lot easier than before.

Not that it was necessarily challenging before now, but Spotify has seen a need to simplify the process. Spotify’s new feature is also geared towards both the best (most popular) podcasts as well as those that are trending.

This will make it so users can find something to listen to whether it’s a podcast on the rise gaining more and more listeners, or an established favorite that’s consistently been at the top month after month.

Spotify’s new podcasts feature is called Podcast Charts

Podcast Charts are an elegant way for listeners to find the podcast that’s right for them in that moment.

Or maybe you just want to consolidate your podcast listening to one specific app. You’ll find podcast charts from the search tab, under the podcast menu. From there you can tap on the podcast charts button and you’ll see a wealth of different options.

The first two things on the menu are the top podcasts and trending podcasts for your country. Below those two options there’s a list for top podcasts by category so you can really hone in on something specific if you want to.

Including categories for arts, business, comedy, education, history science, sports and more. There’s also an option to switch to podcast charts from different countries if that’s what you’re looking for.

Top Podcast Charts are only available in 7 countries

Podcast Charts in general are available in 26 different countries including the US, Japan, the UK, Canada, the Philippines, Argentina, Brazil and more.

The top podcast charts though are only available in 7 different countries. So for example let’s say you want to check out the chart for the top fiction podcasts in Germany. You can do that because Germany is one of the supported countries. Argentina however, is not.

Of all the 26 countries where Podcast Charts are available, the ones that allow you to search lists of the top and trending podcasts includes the US, Germany, Mexico, the UK, Brazil, Sweden, and Australia.

Top podcast charts are also updated monthly. So you can use the top lists to find something new to listen to at any point throughout the month. That being said, the trending lists are your best way of finding something that’s up and coming that may not be well-known.