Android 11 Will Bring Better Autofill Feature With Keyboard Integration

In a report from Android Police, Android 11 will bring improved autofill integration experience. Notably, Android 11 will integrate the autofill suggestion strip with your native or third-party keyboard.

Native autofill support has been present on Android OS since the launch of Android 9 Pie. However, the autofill experience was not as smooth as we wanted it to be.

Previously, autofill information used to pop-up in a separate drop-down menu. But now, with Android 11, autofill will have information integrated right onto your keyboard.

Besides, the official document explains that your password will be revealed in the autofill box only when you type it in. This makes your information more secure and private, just like the previous versions of Android.

Android 11 autofill APIs recognize when the keyboard is active and display suggestions

The latest Autofill APIs present in Android 11 understands when a keyboard is active. And based on that it shows the suggestions or autofill information. Moreover, a suggestion strip will sit on top of your native or third-party keyboard.

Whenever you type in the input field of your keyboard, this triggers the autofill. Now, the autofill will look at whether the current keyboard and suggestion provider support inline autofill or not.

If they support the inline autofill feature, then it will show the autofill information on top of the keyboard strip. However, in another case, the autofill information will be shown in a drop-down menu as shown in Android 10 or lower OS.

For those who want to experience the latest autofill feature, can check out the new Google Chrome autofill interface. It was rolled out by Google separately for Chrome and does not require any keyboard to support anything.

The suggestion strip will show up on top of the keyboard whenever you type in the saved information. This feature is available for most Chrome users by default.

But if you wish to manually trigger it, then you can head over to chrome://flags and enable either #autofill-keyboard-accessory-view (for passwords) or enable-autofill-manual-fallback (for addresses and payment methods).

Keyboard and suggestion provider should be updated before they can utilize this feature

This Google autofill feature will show up on updated keyboard or suggestion providers. However, that depends on when the app developers roll out the update for the app.

Android 11 is already is in its last stage of testing. Google recently pushed the Android 11 Beta 3 update and is also conducting a user feedback survey. Moreover, Google will launch the stable Android 11 OS next month.

So, you might have to wait a few days after the launch of Android 11, for your apps to get updated and support this new autofill integration.