Finally, a few days ago, Telegram has added video calling feature on its application. The feature is now live for the user on both Android and iOS.
Notably, a week ago, we have reported that the Telegram Beta 7.0 app showcased the video calling support on the app. And now, the feature is rolling out via the stable channel.
Keep in mind that the group video calling feature is still not there. But users can make one-to-one video calls via the Telegram app. The alpha version of the app is expected to get better with future updates as stated in the official blog.
However, in the COVID-19 era, group video calling apps have seen a boom. Several tech-giants have forayed in the field to replicate the success of the Zoom app.
The company aims to bring group video call feature in the coming months to give competition to Zoom, Google Meet, and other competitors.
Telegram video calls are protected and end-to-end encrypted
Telegram is known as one of the most secure messaging platforms, and it is no wonder that its video call service is also getting end-to-end encryption.
To confirm this, you can check the four emojis shown on the right top corner of your video call. If they match, then you have proof that your call is 100% safe and secure.
To make phone calls, the user can head over to the profile of the contacts and place a call. Notably, users will be able to switch over to audio calls (and vice versa) while using this Telegram video calling feature.
This new Telegram video calling feature also has a picture-in-picture mode. This will help the users to check and reply to the messages while video calling a friend.
Telegram also provides its users with the option to turn on or off the video during the video calls. You can do this while you are on a chat as well.
Telegram also unveiled a batch of animated versions of commonly used emojis
The new update is not contained to bringing video call support for the app. Infact, it also brings an animated version of the commonly used emojis.
This is will come into effect when the user sends a single emoji. A larger animated version of the emoji will be sent when used in a chat.
Coronavirus has impacted the world economies and people are majorly working from home. Even classes have gone online. This is the reason why we expect Telegram to bring the group video calls to feature pretty soon.
But it will be interesting to see what more features Telegram has to offer with group video calls which its competitors have not already have. Let us know in the comments below, what features would you like Telegram to bring for group video calls.