Much like the Galaxy Z Flip 5G, the Galaxy Z Fold 2 is going to be coming with a factory installed screen protector.
Luckily, you can remove this one without damaging your brand new smartphone. That is because this is not part of the screen, and it’s just a flimsy piece of plastic on the display to protect from scratches and such. Remember that this display is plastic with a thin layer of glass. Which means that it is very soft. And can scratch super easily.
It can be removed
Though, most people are likely going to keep it on, and protect that screen for as long as they can. It can be removed without damaging the Galaxy Z Fold 2.
Now the reason why this is even a question, is because that is what broke the original Galaxy Fold.
When the Galaxy Fold first was sent out to reviewers in April 2019, before it got recalled. Reviewers had two problems, one was debris getting under the display. The other was reviewers removing what seemed like, a screen protector. But it was much harder to get off than your typical plastic screen protector that comes pre-installed in the box.
And once you peeled it off, the screen would immediately die. That was because that “screen protector” was part of the actual screen.
Now, Samsung has stretched out that layer of the display, and it is capped under the bezels – which are a bit higher than the screen. So that it is almost impossible to remove that layer, without really trying too. And Samsung is also including a factory installed screen protector that you can easily remove.
Galaxy Z Fold 2 users do get a one-time screen replacement for a discounted price
As part of the Z Premier Service that Samsung includes in the Galaxy Z Fold 2 price, users do get a one-time screen replacement for $149. That is not the regular price, Samsung has not disclosed how much it will cost to get the screen fixed after that first replacement, but it won’t be cheap.
So make sure that if you do purchase the Galaxy Z Fold 2, that you treat it right. Though, we are finding that these foldables are sometimes more rugged than traditional smartphones, it’s still a good idea to treat it properly. Seeing as this is a $2,000 smartphone after all. And it should be treated as such. Keeping that screen protector on the Galaxy Z Fold 2 is a way to do just that.