Google TV Watchlist Gets Search and Play Store Wishlist Integration

Google has made it easier to keep a track of the shows you want to see by giving integration to TV Watchlist, Search and Play Store Wishlist. As reported by Android Police, this should allow users to track their favourite shows and movies more easily.

Intergrating its apps is something that Google has pushed for a while now to try and make life easier for users. Most recently it provided Chat and Meet integration for G Suite users. Prior to this Google provided Deep Lens integration into Gboard.

Google will hope that this most recent integration effort will make lives easier for users. By integrating these platforms for this purpose most users should be able to see the benefit.

Google provides TV Watchlist integration

Google TV is the largest change to Android TV we have seen in a while. It looks like now Google is looking to press home on this change with an easily accessible watchlist where you can add shows and movies.

By providing integration for this TV Watchlist with Search and the Play Store Wishlist Google aims to join up the platforms more seamlessly.

You can easily add a show or movie to your watchlist by simply searching for it then hitting one button. Google TV also has this feature on each listing itself. The new Google TV app is no different to this.

Users used to also have a completely separate wishlist in their Google Play Store account. This was supposedly for reserving apps and games one might want. Now this wishlist is entirely integrated into one place as the screenshots below demonstrate.

One slight drawback of this new integrated wishlist is that it may appear a little confusing, to begin with. By having apps, games, TV shows and movies all on one list things may get a little cluttered and confusing. Especially, if things start to get cluttered up with items you do not actually want there.

However, it will certainly make tracking items you wish to keep a hold of a lot easier. Ultimately, that is probably the point from Google’s standpoint. The company wishes to make the TV-watching experience as frictionless as possible.

How users react to the integration immediately will be interesting though. They may find the process more confusing and cluttered than Google would hope. However, over time they are likely to come round to realize its benefits even if that does not happen straight away.