Telegram Update Brings Search Filters, Channel Comments & More

Telegram started rolling out a new update on October 1, which brings some new features like search filters, anonymous admins, and channel comments to the app.

These new features are arriving on the app with version number v7.1.1 and is available on the Google Play Store. Well, there are some more additional features as well coming with this new Telegram update.

Some cool new animation effects have also been added with the new Telegram app update. Let us take a stroll down and understand all the latest features introduced by Telegram for its app.

Search Filters

If you use Telegram frequently then searching for media, apps, links, files, etc. on the app could prove to be a challenge. Before this update, users had to manually scroll down and look for the exact file or media they are looking for.

Good thing is that Telegram has addressed this issue with the new update. The Search Filter feature lets the users easily find shared media, links, files, chats, music, and more based on some criteria.

Besides, you can search any file by type, time period, or source. To give you some context, you can find a particular file type by searching the extension. or you can search the date of the file that you are looking for.

You can even search for the content shared by a particular person, group, channel, or both by searching their name on the search filter. You can also combine search filters.

Anonymous Group Admins

If you are an admin of any Telegram group and you worry about your identity, then this new Anonymous Group Admins feature is just something you would need.

With the help of these features, admins of any Telegram group would be able to remain anonymous and post messages to a group. The messages in the chat will contain the group name and not your actual profile name.

Channel Comments

Another nifty feature that is coming with Telegram app version 7.1.1 is the Channel Comments. A new comment button is added for posts on channels and discussion groups.

Using this button, users will be able to post comments on any post on the channel. In fact, all the comments for a post will be clubbed together and will be shown in the thread of their own.

This will definitely help the users interact with a post more easily and also see what others have to say about it, all in one place.

Animation Effects

The new update also brings new animation effects for expanding or hiding the keyboard. Moreover, you will see new animations when you switch over from day to night mode or vice versa.

Not only this, you will see new animations for pop-ups for deleting messages, changing notifications, saving media, etc. Besides, you will now be able to see anyone’s profile picture in a group chat more clearly.

Simply press and hold the picture and see the image of the user in an expanded way. Additionally, Telegram now lets you preview the chats on your other accounts using the same account switcher gestures.

Animated Emojis

A new host of animated emojis is also included in the update for the Telegram app. Simply send a message to your friend and use a single emoji to see its animation.

The new update is live and if you have not already updated the app then you can press the button below to get redirected to the Google Play Store.

Telegram (Play Store)