Adult Swim Made A Rick And Morty PS5 Ad & It's The Best Thing Ever

Rick and Morty is extremely popular, and the PS5 is extremely popular. So why not mash them together for an ad that appeals to the fans of the show that also might want to buy a new console.

Well that’s exactly what Adult Swim did, as earlier this afternoon they published a PS5 ad to their channel with Rick and Morty as the sales people.

If you’re a fan of the show and you’ve not watched the ad yet, you should. It’s a quick little ad-spot that is just as delightful as it is straight to the point. Adult Swim isn’t messing around here and neither is Sony.

And that seems to come across pretty well in the ad.

Rick and Morty and PS5: Pure marketing genius?

For those that aren’t fans of the show, it might be hard to see it that way. But trust us, this is what good marketing looks like.

Not only did Sony tap a company and IP that had the same level of massive popularity to help it with the ad, but it also kept things insanely short. No long, drawn out CGI, no wordy monologues or even worse a long commercial with no words at all set to a backdrop of terrible music.

It’s thirty seconds long. Right down to the second. Mentioning a couple of very key features that Sony wanted to highlight in a funny way. Then it just says “go buy the PS5.” Indeed, Sony. Indeed.

There is of course one small problem with the ad, and it’s the timing.

Sony says buy the PS5, but you can’t

Look, the ad is great. If you’re a fan of the show it might even be the best thing ever. And as far as ads go, it doesn’t waste your time.

The only issue with it really is the timing. Today is November 20, which is 8 days after the official launch day of the PS5. The issue is that there are really no PS5 consoles to buy. Not anywhere. Everyone is completely out of stock including Sony itself through its PlayStation Direct online store.

Places like Walmart restocked yesterday for a short time, and will be doing so again next week. But stock sells out just as fast as this Rick and Morty ad is over. And according to Sony the stock won’t get better until sometime in early 2021.

These things of course are things everyone should have expected. It’s the launch of a new console generation and Sony did warn people that stock would be low leading into the holidays. In any case, you can check out the Rick and Morty PS5 ad below if you want to have a laugh.