Google Is Working On A Stadia UI Refresh For The Web

Stadia is going to get a UI refresh on the web at some point it looks like. Though, it’s also worth noting that it could just be something that Google is testing with a small batch of subscribers.

That being the case, it’s possible these changes may never make it to a wider rollout. And if that happens then those who have gotten to test it will end up having to go back to the current UI that most users are seeing right now.

It shouldn’t be ruled out though that Google is officially pushing out this update. And that it’s just going slow by updating users in batches or region by region.

Stadia web UI refresh puts news and community blog posts on the home tab

One of the more noticeable change of the Stadia UI refresh on the web is the blog posts. Blog posts from the Stadia community forums are where many users go to find out details on the latest changes for the platform.

Whether those changes are already being implemented or on their way in future updates. These blog posts are now front and center on the home tab. For most users, the home tab displays all of your games. With the one you most recently played at the top.

Below that you can check out your game captures. With the refresh though, your most recently played game is pushed to the left of the screen and in that open space along the right side are community forum blog posts.

Letting users more easily get to them so they can read about changes and interact with the rest of the community. In addition to the blog posts Google has added two other cards to this section of the screen.

One is for new release games. Then there’s another for the games that are available to claim with Stadia Pro. If you have the membership for it.

These changes aren’t coming to mobile or the Chromecast Ultra for now

It’s likely that Google will update the UI on both the Chromecast Ultra and mobile devices at some point in the future.

For now though this seems to be limited to the interface on the web. So users shouldn’t expect to see these changes in either the app or on their TV. In addition to these web UI changes, CD Projekt Red confirmed this week that Cyberpunk 2077 on Stadia would be a simultaneous release with PC.