In an official blog, Telegram announced that it is adding a new group voice chat feature to its platform. Notably, this is similar to the Discord always-on room.
Previously on Telegram, users could send voice notes, just like you would do on other messaging apps. Although that is still there, Telegram has extended its functionality, and it is getting turned up to 11 in groups.
Moreover, the new Telegram voice chat feature will allow users to speak live to their friends and family members. This new feature is called “Voice Chats” within the app.
Participants can join or leave the group voice chat as they please. In the official blog, Telegram terms this new voice chat feature as “persistent conference call” for groups.
The feature appears on top of group chats. Additionally, on the desktop version of Telegram on Mac or Windows, users can make use of the push-to-talk service for voice chats.
Telegram has put attention to detail and has built a voice chat overlay. This operates as a system-wide floating widget. Apparently, you can place the widget anywhere on your screen to continue with your voice chat, while doing other works as well.
Video and screen sharing features coming to Telegram very soon
The Telegram voice chat floating widget lets the user see who is talking. Besides, the floating widget also allows you to operate microphone and mute options.
Telegram has done nothing out of the world here, and it is a similar concept to Discord, Clubhouse, and Twitter Spaces. Essentially, Telegram has joined the bandwagon of this growing trend of voice chats.
Voice chats can hold up to several thousand people allowing participation of bigger groups for live events. Currently, Telegram is focussing on the audio aspect of the feature.
However, the instant messaging platform will add video and screen sharing features to the app very soon in the coming weeks.
Apart from voice chats, Telegram also improved the file storage on Android. Now, users will be able to move their telegram app data from internal memory to SD Cards or vice versa. Obviously, you need a phone that supports SD cards.
There are some new apps animations, new stickers, and new emoji. The app has been optimized to load stickers even faster, and it shows an outline of what the sticker would look like.
Telegram touts this as one of the biggest updates to the messaging app this year. On a different note, founder Pavel Durov announced his intention to monetize the app.
He cleared that Telegram will not be sold out to Facebook or any other big companies. Durov is also committed to no ads but provided an option of ads that will, at least, not show up on the messaging screens. You can read more about this in detail here.