This Is How Much Time Per Week People Spend Gaming

Gaming has seen steady increases in popularity for years now, but it seems people are spending more time per week gaming than ever before.

That’s the findings of a new State of Online Gaming report from Limelight Networks. Which suggests that on average, people who play games are sitting down for longer sessions than they used to. Honestly, we get why. Play games is fun, and now more than ever (this past year specifically), people have a lot more time to play games since they’ve been sitting at home a lot more often than normal.

Thanks to easy access options like Stadia, people have a very low barrier of entry to gaming. Recent launches of the PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles last Fall also made gaming more exciting.

Some things worth mentioning from the beginning are that much of or all of the data is based on global findings. So unless otherwise noted, the numbers are global. However the report does have a breakdown of each region too.

People are gaming for around 8 hours per week on average

One of the major findings with the report is how much time people are spending when they sit down to play some games. The report breaks this down on a per week basis for a range of different regions, including the US, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, and the UK just to name a few.

It’s also broken things down on a global scale. Globally, the average number of hours spent playing games each week is 8.45. That’s because around 18.8% of people surveyed for this report state that they played games for 7-12 hours on a weekly basis.

Around 11.4% globally spend more than 20 hours per week playing games. When it comes to the region that spends the most time gaming online, China is number one with the average amount of players surpassing the 12-hours mark.

In contrast, the US has an average of about 7.71 hours per week.

People over 30 are gaming the most

In the same report, it also details which age groups are playing games for the longer periods of time.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, gamers in their 30s and later are playing more games than anyone else. More specifically, people between the ages of 36 and 45 are playing more games than other age groups.

How much more exactly? About 9.26 hours a week on average. The next closes group is people between the ages of 26 and 35. Which play games for about 9.12 hours per week on average.

You might expect kids and young adults to be racking up the most game time. But mid 20s to mid 40s makes more sense. These are adults who are likely out of school at this point. Many of whom have spent the better part of a year working from home. Where game consoles and gaming PCs are more accessible.

The report also covers a number of other statistics. Like which game types are the most popular. Based on the data, casual single player games are being played the most. You can view the full report from the link in the beginning paragraph of this article.