Snapchat Daily Users Growth Has Leaned Android, Not iOS

Snapchat has continued to see respectable growth over the past several months but that’s been primarily Android users. Users on that platform now outnumber those coming to Snapchat via iOS, recent reports divulge.

The figures are based on Snapchat’s most recent earnings call, for the first quarter of 2021. The company didn’t include exact details pertaining to exactly how its numbers are split. But Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel has referred to the shift as a “critical milestone for the company. Particularly with consideration for previous issues it has had with its Android app.

Moreover, the company chalks up its overall growth to key in-app behaviors from Story posting to Snap Map. With a “rise in the rate of new friendships and bi-directional communication” on the platform in March. Snapchat attributes that to people beginning to socialize in “broader” groups.

Snapchat doesn’t say how many Android users it has, so how does it break down its figures?

In terms of the overall growth figures, Snapchat says it added 15-million new users in Q1 2021 — including Android and iOS users. That brings the total “average daily users” count up to 280-million. Revenue growth is also up, no less than 66-percent from a year ago. Totaling out to around $770 million for the quarter.

The growth is also undoubtedly attributable to new features such as Spotlight. As well as other improvements made over the past several months. Snapchat says that the former feature is now available in 12 countries and that it grew to 125-million monthly users in March. That’s a 40-percent growth since January. And the company reported an average of 175,000 submissions a day in February.

This also comes back to Covid

The Snapchat exec also pointed to efforts to “re-open” as a source for growth. Mr. Spiegel indicates that has improved engagement. Particularly as that pertains to larger groups of friends. So the figures for the company’s top-rated social media app will only likely continue to grow over 2021  alongside increased vaccinations and more widespread engagement.