Android 12's New Privacy Dashboard Makes It Easier To Revoke Permissions From Certain Apps

In Android 12, Google is debuting the new Privacy Dashboard. This is a feature that will function as a dashboard and show you what permissions are being used by what apps and when. It’s a really unique way of helping users understand permissions. And help keep your privacy, well private.

On the privacy dashboard, it will show you the top permissions being used. Like camera, location and microphone, showing you how many apps used those permissions in the past 24 hours. You can also hit the down arrow to see other permissions that were used. When you tap on the permission, say location, it’ll take you to a timeline. Showing you which apps used it and when. So you can see if an app is going rogue and collecting your location throughout the night, when you aren’t using the app.

At the bottom, there will be a button to “Manage Permission”. So you can revoke it from specific apps, if you wish to do so.

The Privacy Dashboard is not yet available in Android 12. Google says that it will come in the next beta, which should launch about this time, next month.

Google is also adding microphone and camera indicators

Starting in Android 12, users will be able to know in realtime when their microphone and/or camera is being used or accessed. It will pop up in the right-hand corner to show you that one or the other is being used, then transition into a small green dot.

Additionally, you can also swipe down the Quick Settings and revoke camera or microphone access to the app that you are in. Without having to head to the settings. Making things a whole lot simpler. Of course, these will only show up when you are in an app that is using these permissions.

This will also be coming in the second beta for Android 12, next month.