PS5 Stock Issues Will Unfortunately Continue For Quite Some Time

Since the beginning of its time on the market, the PS5 has had issues with stock. Specifically the capability of retailers to keep it in stock. Initially, Sony expected PS5 stock issues to continue for just a few months.

After the first of the year though, Sony confirmed that it expected the supply to be low until sometime after April or May of this year. Now, Sony is confirming that it expects the supply to remain low for a lot longer than people were expecting.

If you’ve been having trouble finding a console, you may find that challenge sticks around for a while. To your dismay. Right from the jump, PS5 pre-orders, and orders after its launch have been accompanied by low supply. So a lot of consumers were vying for the same low number of units.

This problem was further compounded by scalpers using bot programs to snake as many as they could and resell the units at hundreds and even thousands above the regular retail price of $499. This issue should have been over with by now. But it appears that isn’t going to be the case.

Sony says PS5 stock issues will continue into 2022

It’s only just now getting to the point that PS5 units were supposed to start leveling out. Making them much easier to get for a lot of people trying to buy one.

But a new report from Bloomberg, speaking to Sony, states that demand for the PS5 console is still very high. And Sony doesn’t expect that demand to wane anytime soon. While no exact dates were given, Sony believes that supply will remain low well into 2022.

Which means consumers still on the hunt for the elusive console will want to be as diligent as ever in trying to secure a purchase.

Sony doesn’t think it can meet demand in the short term

The expectation, or perhaps the hope, was that Sony would eventually be able to catch up to the demand from users. Sony has already sold almost 8 million of the PS5 since it launched in November of 2020. But Sony says that even if it were able to get its hands on more supplies and produce more units, it doesn’t think it could meet demand righty away.

What matters, for the consumer, is that supply problems aren’t going anywhere. For the first full year of the PS5’s life cycle, it will be hard to get one. And it will continue to be hard to get going into its second year after launch.