Top Mobile Security Threats You Should Be Wary Of In 2021

Your mobile devices are always an arm’s length away, but are you aware of the several security risks you face when using them? Mobile device security threats are on the rise, and are becoming more sophisticated.

Mobile devices have become a crucial part of our lives, and we rely on them for everyday tasks. The results can be devastating if your device is compromised. Using your mobile devices for sensitive activities like banking and accessing corporate data makes mobile device security even more essential. Fortunately, you can still use your mobile devices safely if you stay informed and take precautions. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the biggest mobile security threats.

1. Phishing attacks

Phishing is arguably the most common attack vector in existence, and mobile devices are the front lines of most phishing attacks since they are always powered on. In phishing attacks, cybercriminals use emails, voice calls, text messages, or social media platforms to fool their victims into clicking a malicious link, giving up their logins, or confirming a transaction.

Victims are more likely to fall prey to phishing attacks when using mobile devices than when using larger-screened notebooks or desktops. This is because mobile users open and read their emails and text messages while on the move, which means their attention is divided, and they are unlikely to notice when something is wrong with an email or a text message. On the other hand, it is easier to notice odd URLs, typos, weird attachments, and an off layout when using a larger monitor. Click here to learn how to prevent phishing attacks.

2. Data leakage

Nearly every mobile application collects data from your phone. The information could be your date of birth, your name, location history, bank account, credit card information, photos, contact list, and more. These apps send this data to remote servers. However, if the servers are compromised or there is a technical error that leaves them vulnerable, this data can be stolen and used by cybercriminals to commit fraud. To prevent this from happening, you may want to think twice before installing a mobile app that requests several permissions. You can also fine-tune your phone’s security protocols to limit the amount of data collected by each application.

3. Unsecured Wi-Fi

Open public Wi-Fi connections are convenient, especially when you don’t want to burn your cellular data. However, public Wi-Fi networks are usually unsecured, and cybercriminals can easily steal your data or spy on your online activity when you are using them. Sometimes hackers create phony access points using connections that are similar to Wi-Fi networks. However, these are traps by cybercriminals and are usually found in places with high traffic, such as airports, libraries, and coffee shops. To be safe, use public Wi-Fi sparingly, and never use it to access personal and confidential services like banking and corporate data.


Mobile security threats are on the rise and evolving in scope. To protect yourself, you first need to understand common attack vectors and take steps to safeguard your devices and data. Install a reliable anti-virus app and keep your devices’ operating systems up-to-date.