There’s an annoying bug in Android 12 Beta 3. Hundreds of users on the latest beta release have complained of an issue where they can’t dismiss missed call notifications. Affected Pixel users say missed call notifications are getting stuck on the notification panel on their phone running Android 12 Beta 3. They can’t swipe those notifications away. Tapping the notification to open it also doesn’t help.
As a temporary workaround, restarting the device does patch things up. However, this might only work until you get another missed call notification, i.e. miss another incoming call. Some users say a “forced close” of the Phone app from “App info” also helps. This kills the app’s background activities and gets rid of all notifications. However, users need to be wary to reopen the Phone app after the process so it’s working again.
Android 12 Beta 3 doesn’t have many bugs, Google has already fixed this one
Following a few months of developer-only releases, Android 12 is currently in the public beta stage. The first Android 12 Beta arrived in mid-May. Over the past couple of months, Google has released multiple minor as well as major beta versions of the latest iteration of its Android OS. At this point, we are into Android 12 Beta 3.
Beta releases help companies iron out bugs (if any) as well as any other inconsistencies in their software or product, so the end product serves their customer as intended, without any unwanted hiccups. So beta software is often unstable and may not work properly. You can expect to encounter bugs or unexpected behavior quite frequently.
However, the Android 12 Beta 3 has been impressively stable. This suggests Google has fixed most of the bugs discovered during the Developer Previews as well as early beta releases. But that doesn’t mean the most recent beta release is completely free of bugs. As you can see, many users on the latest Android 12 beta build can’t swipe away missed call notifications on their phones.
Thankfully, Google is aware of this issue and has already worked out a fix. The issue is marked as “fixed” on the official Android 12 issue tracker (via), with the comment “this issue has been fixed and the fix will be available in the next Android release.”
It’s unclear whether the fix will arrive as a minor update (Beta 3.1) or it will be part of Android 12 Beta 4. Either way, you can expect a fix for this missed call notification issue to arrive within the next few weeks.