Twitter Communities Finally Arrive To Android

Twitter has announced that Twitter Communities are now making their way to Android as well. To be more accurate, to a Twitter app for Android. Android is the last to get this functionality, as both web and iOS users had it for a while.

Twitter Communities are finally making their way to Android

So, what are Twitter Communities? The best way to describe them is to say they’re topic-based groups. Twitter Communities are supposed to compete with Facebook Groups and Reddit Subreddits, in a way.

This way, you can find a community that fits your interests. So, for example, if you like plants, there’s a community for that. This feature is expected to get people to talk about various topics across various communities, and engage more.

There are all sorts of communities out there, the one with plants is just an example, of course. If fashion is your thing, that’s not a problem. If you like design, there’s a community for that. Even if you simply adore Wordle, there is a community for that as well.

Now, many of you probably wonder if you can create your own Twitter Community. Well, yes, you can, but it’s not as easy as you may think. Twitter still holds control over it, just so people don’t end up creating tons of useless communities.

Creating a Twitter Community is not as easy as creating a Facebook Group

It’s not as easy as creating a Facebook Group, for example. You can suggest a new Twitter Community, a community you’d like to create and moderate. If Twitter approves it, you’re good to go.

Do note that you’ll need to have the latest version of the Twitter app installed in order to access this feature. Even if you have, you may have to wait, though. I, personally, still don’t have the feature, despite the fact I have the last version installed. It should become available shortly, though.

It seems like Twitter is also looking into adding a third type of membership for communities, instead of invite-only and open-to-all formats. As there are communities of both types available on Twitter, some you can join, others you need approval for.

Twitter seems to be quite invested in Twitter Communities, so we’ll see what comes out of it. We all know how Fleets ended up, though, so… we’ll see if something comes out of this.