People Are Using Chrome In Multi-Window Mode More Thanks To Tablet Optimizations

Computers have been using multiple Chrome windows for years now, but that concept is still pretty new to phones and tablets. However, according to a report from the Android Developer Blog, it’s becoming more of a thing among tablet and foldable phone users. More people are using Chrome in multi-window mode due to tablet and foldable phone optimizations.

Tablet and foldable phone optimizations lead to massive increase in multi-window Chrome use

Most tech users are productivity-focused, thus, they like to have multiple instances of a lot of programs. Chrome is one of those programs that people just can’t use one instance of. There are either multiple tabs open or multiple windows open for most people. On mobile devices, however, the experience has been pretty one-dimensional. Thankfully, google gave the browser multi-window support.

Now, thanks to some much-needed optimizations, people are using the multi-window mode a lot more. The blog post states that multi-windows use has increased 18-fold since introducing the optimizations. This means that people have really been finding this capability very useful.

The increase was felt much more in the tablet and foldable market than in the regular smartphone market. The Multi-window capability is being used about 42% more on tablets and foldables than on regular smartphones. This helps prove that techies crave more professional capability from their mobile applications. A mobile app shouldn’t hold a tablet back from reaching peak productivity. This fact also reinforces the fact that Android 12L is necessary.

Speaking of Android 12L, it’s not too far away

Android succeeds as an operating system for phones but not for tablets and foldables. However, Google introduced Android 12L last year as a version of Android made for tablets and foldables. It brings several optimizations that make it a better fit for larger screen devices.

Google split the notification shade into two columns to better fit a landscape display. Also, Android 12L brings changes to the multitasking view. The apps sit in a grid pattern with the most recent app taking up the most space.

The added app dock garnered the most attention from people because it reminds everyone of Chrome OS. It sits at the bottom of the screen and it holds a certain amount of apps for easy access.

Overall, Android 12L will really make using an Android tablet or foldable much easier and better optimized. The 3rd beta just landed, and the final release should be that far off.