Rockstar Confirms It's Working On The Next GTA Game

While it’s hard to believe, GTA V was released nearly 10 years ago. This game launched back in September of 2013, and people still play it religiously today. However, if you’re anxious for the next installment in the series, then there’s good news. Rockstar just confirmed that it’s working on the next game in the GTA series.

The Next GTA game is in development

GTA V launched back when the PS4 and Xbox One were still new to the world. Over the years, it’s grown to be one of the most profitable games in all of video game history, and it’s still a popular title today. GTA Online only adds to the momentum of this game.

Rockstar just posted a community update where it detailed new additions to the game, GTA V on PS5 and Xbox Series S/X, and more. At the bottom of the update, it dedicated a section to talk about the next GTA game.

There wasn’t much information in the post, however. It mentioned that development for the next game is well underway. That’s not much to go on, but it’s enough to get fans excited about future news and updates about it.

This will hopefully make GTA fans feel better

This news should assuage any harsh feelings that people have about Rockstar Games. People still remember the disaster that was the GTA: The Trilogy- Definitive Edition. That title had a ton of issues that ruined the whole experience for players.

Definitive Edition had bugs and graphical glitches galore. There were bad physics that caused cars and people to go flying everywhere. The traffic AI was messed up and it caused people to run rampant.

There were countless issues, but the biggest gripe that people had was with the graphics. All of the characters looked to be smoothed over. This caused all of them to look weird and cartoonish. Not only that but a lot of characters were stretched and contorted in weird ways.

It got so bad that Rockstar had to apologize, take down the game, and rerelease the original games on the PC store, temporarily. Since then, there have been several updates released to the game, so there are improvements being made.

When should we expect GTA VI?

Even though Rockstar just confirmed this information today, we can tell that it’s been in production for a while. A few years ago, there was a leak that hinted at a potential storyline for the game. So, the company is probably a few years in the process.

Thus, we should expect it to launch within the next few years. We should definitely get some more details on the game before the year is out. That’s just speculation, so take that with a grain of salt.