Android is well-known for its customization options. There are tons of apps out there that simply improve user experience, and they’re quite simple and do only one thing. The app we’re here to talk about, pickRingStop, is an excellent example.
pickRingStop app can silence your phone when you pick it up
This application does one thing, and it does it really well. When you receive a call, pickRingStop can pause the ringtone when you pick the phone off of a table, for example.
So, maybe you don’t want to answer straight away. You want to check who’s calling and whatnot. Well, the moment you pick the phone up, this app will silence the ringtone, even though the phone will continue ringing.
That will save your ears from unnecessary noise while you’re thinking of answering or checking who’s calling. It will silence the ringtone whenever you pick the phone up from a standstill location, such as a table.
You can also wave your hand over the device in order to silence it
There’s another way to silence the ringtone, you can wave your hand over the phone. That’s basically it, that’s all this app does. It hasn’t been updated for a couple of years, and that’s only because its use cases are simple and it works just fine. The developer didn’t feel the need to make any changes.
Users are also reporting that the app works perfectly when you pull the phone out of a pocket as well. That is not exactly a standstill position, but there you go, it works in that use case as well.
The UI is simple, and it doesn’t exactly look bad either, which is great considering this is not exactly the newest app. Besides, even if that wasn’t the case, it wouldn’t matter, as you won’t exactly be looking at its UI that often. The whole point of this app is to stay in the background and just do its job.
The app is free to download and use, and there are no ads included. You can get it from the link below (Google Play Store), while we’ve also included some official screenshots for you.