Mobile carriers are always offering you additional perks to go along with your plan. Verizon is no different, as the company has a treat for those who love Disney content. Right now, if you get a Verizon prepaid unlimited plan, it will actually throw in Disney+ free for six months.
No matter what carrier you sign up for, you’re always going to have some sort of additional perks for getting a plan. You get free months of services like Netflix, Google Play Pass, Apple Music, and others to go along with your plan. These perks are what can actually be make-or-break for certain prospective buyers.
You can get Disney+ free for six months on Verizon
If you’re thinking of switching to a different carrier, then you might want to consider getting Verizon. The service might not have the best prices compared to T-Mobile, but it’s been able to win awards for reliability.
But you don’t care about that, do you? You just want to watch Ms. Marvel. Well, if you’re interested in watching Disney content on your 5G network, Verizon has a perk for you. The carrier is now offering half a year of Disney+ for free if you sign up for one of its plans, according to Variety.
If you sign up for a new prepaid unlimited plan, the company will throw in the Disney+ subscription. If this sounds familiar, the company already offered this for the post-paid plans. Now, it’s available for people on prepaid plans.
A prepaid plan is one that doesn’t require a credit check. Also, you won’t be paying off an annual contract. These are plans where you pay for your phone in full before getting it.
Just know that if you get the plan now, your Disney+ subscription will run until January 2023. At that point, you’ll be charged $7.99/month. You’ll want to keep an eye on your bill and make sure you know when your card will be charged.