Discord Promises Improved Android Experience With Faster Updates

Discord on Android, and on mobile in general is about to get a whole lot better in the user experience department. That’s because Discord is promising an improved experience with a mobile overhaul. The new Android experience for Discord will contain numerous improvements like faster update and release cycles, feature consistency and more.

The goal overall seems to be to ensure that Discord performs the same across platforms. And although it mostly functions the same on Android as it does on PC, there are noticeable differences. Namely with the bigger features, which tend to release first on PC and iOS.

Discord’s commitment to improving the experience for the Android portion of users will change all that. Starting now.

The improved Android experience for Discord will arrive in the coming weeks

Android users won’t immediately notice these changes as they won’t be implemented today, but they aren’t far off. Discord says that the app will automatically update across Android devices in the coming weeks. Furthermore, update release cycles will happen more frequently on Android.

If a new feature is introduced for PC and iOS, Android users will no longer have to wait a while to get that same feature. The same goes for bug fixes. No more having to stare at that dreaded “coming soon to Android” note you may be used to.

All of this is made possible with the React Native development framework. Which Discord has been using to rebuild the Android app from the ground up it says. The company also says that Android and iOS versions of the app “will still retain their specific UI patterns.”

Design elements will also “be more aligned across Android, desktop, and iOS.” One example of this is the font within the Android app. Following the update rollout, existing Discord users on Android will have an option to switch to a larger font that is more consistent with iOS.

New users will see this larger font automatically after they install and launch the app for the first time. While there aren’t any super new exciting features to speak of yet, Android users can rest assured that once there are, they’ll have access to them quickly.