Telegram may soon allow users to send multiple stickers at once. The company appears to be testing this feature among some Premium users. It’s unclear whether the feature will remain behind the paywall or it will be available to free Telegram users as well.
Messaging apps offer a vast collection of unique emojis and stickers. These animations let you convey your messages and feelings more expressively. However, stickers aren’t used as commonly as emojis, and there’s a reason for it. You cannot combine stickers with text when typing an in-line reply to a message. Perhaps you cannot even use two stickers in a single message. These items can only be sent as a standalone response.
Emojis, on the other hand, can blend within a text response. You can also send multiple emojis at once, with or without text. Some messaging apps now even let you combine two emojis to create your own unique animations. It appears Telegram wants to give users a new way to use stickers too.
According to an Android Police report, Telegram Beta version 8.90 lets users send multiple stickers at once. You can combine stickers with text as part of an in-line response or use stickers only. A user with access to this feature shared screen-recording showing them combining random stickers from different packs in a single message. Like with emojis, there doesn’t appear to be any limit to the number of stickers you can send at once.
The catch here is that the source is a Telegram Premium user. The feature isn’t available on the free version of the messaging app. By the looks of it, the company will offer this ability exclusively to Premium subscribers. We will keep a tab on it and tell you when we have more information.
Telegram Premium offers several other exclusive perks
Telegram Premium is a newly-launched subscription service that unlocks additional Telegram features that are not available to free users. The $4.99 a month subscription removes ads from the messaging app. It also gives you access to unique stickers with full-screen animations, new emojis, custom app icons, animated profile pictures, a Premium badge, longer bios, longer captions, message transcriptions (voice-to-text), and many other perks.
File limits are doubled over the free version, letting you send files of up to 4GB. You can also follow more channels, create more folders and public links, and save more items as favorites. Time will tell whether the ability to send multiple stickers at once will be another exclusive perk for Telegram Premium users or if it will be available to everyone.