Telegram may soon give you an option to link your account with an email address. The email will be used for verification every time you log in from a new or unrecognized device. This will add a layer of security to your Telegram account.
Telegram hasn’t officially announced this feature yet. Perhaps the company is still building it. Renowned app developer and reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi spotted the early, in-development build of the feature a few days back. Screenshots shared by Paluzzi show that telegram will allow users to manually enter an email or sign in with their Google account. Telegram says the email address will help secure your account from unauthorized access.
This option will reside within the Security section in Privacy and Security Settings. Once you have added an email address, Telegram will note that the email “will be used every time you log into your Telegram account from a new device”. This likely means you’ll receive some sort of verification code in your email. The messaging app lets you change the linked email anytime.
Telegram is adding more ways to secure your account
Telegram already offers a few ways to keep your account secured. Firstly, you have device-specific passcode locks that let you lock the app with a password. The password works locally on a device, so you have to manually set passwords on every device you use Telegram on. You can set the app to automatically lock after one minute, five minutes, one hour, or five hours of inactivity, or manually tap the lock icon above the chat list to lock the app immediately.
The messaging app also boasts a two-step verification system. This is a cloud-based system that requires you to enter a pre-set code every time you log into your Telegram account from a new device. You can add a password, a password hint (for yourself), and a recovery email should you forget the password. The upcoming ability to link an email address gives you another option to keep your account secure. Instead of a pre-set password, you will receive a new verification code in your email. This is a more secure way than the existing two-step verification system.
As said before, Telegram is currently working on this email-linking system. There’s no timeframe for when this feature may roll out to the public. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be a too long wait. We will keep you posted when we have more information.
#Telegram is working on the ability to protect your account by adding your email address 👀
ℹ️ Alternatively you can sign in with
— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) September 1, 2022