Millions Of Facebook Users May Have Had Their Passwords Stolen

If you typically give third-party apps your Facebook information, then we have some bad news for you. Meta warns that millions of Facebook users may have had their passwords stolen, according to Engadget. The company says that there were hundreds of apps designed to skim your account credentials on both major app stores.

We’re all used to using certain services to log in to different apps. Why make a separate account for a farming sim when you can just use your Google account? This saves a lot of people a lot of time and setting up accounts.

However, many Facebook users may have had their passwords stolen

This is pretty ominous news coming from Meta. The company warns its Facebook users that their passwords may have been stolen if they use certain third-party apps. These apps are disguised as “fun or useful” apps that seem to pose no threat. These included VPN services, photo editors, horoscope apps, camera apps, and fitness tracking tools.

A lot of the apps indicated, according to David Agranovich, Meta’s Director of Threat Disruption, “provided little to no functionality before you logged in”. This means that they were designed specifically to steal information and nothing else. “most of [the apps] provided no functionality even after a person agreed to log in.”

The main issue is the fact that you have to give these apps your Facebook information in order to proceed. When that happens, these apps then skim that information and hijack your account. Meta indicated that there were more than 400 of these shady apps across the Google Play store and the Apple app store. The majority of them were on the Google Play Store

Fortunately, both Google and Apple confirmed that these apps have been deleted from their stores. This is good on their part, also, keeping the apps on the stores puts them at risk of being sued by Meta.

If you were affected by this, then you would have gotten a warning letting you know that your account may have been compromised. The warning does come with a link to a page to help secure your account. If you receive this warning, you do not want to hesitate on taking the appropriate steps.