Nearby Share may lose its top spot on Android's share target sheet

Android’s share target sheet may no longer give Nearby Share a prominent spot at the top. Google says an upcoming change will show Nearby Share “in the first row as a sharing option”. The company doesn’t elaborate on it or provide visuals of the proposed change. But its wordings suggest the Nearby Share will be treated the same way as other share targets on the Android system sheet.

Google plans to place Nearby Share alongside other share targets

Currently, when you try to share something through an Android device, the share target sheet shows Nearby Share prominently at the top, with a snippet of the item you’re sharing above it. Depending on what you’re sharing, a second button for copying, editing, or other actions sits beside it. While this is Google’s implementation on stock Android, other OEMs also opted not to change it.

But Google itself now appears to be preparing for a change. The company suggests that Nearby Share will sit alongside other share targets on the system sheet. The vertically-scrolling sheet features four share targets in each row, with circular app icons. The share targets in the first couple of rows are ordered by frequency. The rest is an alphabetical grid of apps, with a line separating the two sections.

It’s unclear what Google means by saying that Nearby Share will appear in the “first row”. Most probably, Nearby Share will find a new home in the top section that is ordered by frequency. But we will have to wait and see if it will be a permanent home for the feature or if it will drop into the alphabetical grid when left unused for a long time, like other items in this section. This change is rolling out with Google Play services version 46.22 released last week. The redesigned share sheet should be live for all Android users globally in the coming days.

This change is part of Google System updates for November

Google has announced this change for Nearby Share in its release notes for Google System updates for November. The latest release also fixes undetailed bugs in Account Management and System Management & Diagnostics services. The company has also announced a plethora of changes for its Google Wallet app and Developer Services. All of these changes will roll out to users with updates for Google Play services and the Google Play Store over the next few weeks.