Apple releases iOS 16.3 Beta 2 & iPadOS 16.3 Beta 2

Apple has just released the second beta for iOS 16.3 and iPadOS 16.3. These new betas come about a month after the previous betas, which means we’re likely still a ways away from a stable release of either version.

Now, registered developers can download iOS 16.3 and iPadOS 16.3 betas onto their test devices. It will be available via an OTA update if you already have the beta profile installed on your devices.

With iOS 16.3 and iPadOS 16.3, Apple is introducing support for physical Security Keys. Which can be used as added protection for your Apple ID. Basically, any FIDO Certified physical security key would be able to be linked to an Apple ID for authentication.

In addition to that, iOS 16.3 also brings in more instructions for transferring music from an iPhone over to a HomePod using handoff. And that’s about it for new features. After iOS 16.2 was a pretty major point-release for Apple, it looks like 16.3 might be another pretty small one. Of course, full of plenty of bug fixes too.

Apple also releases macOS 13.2 Beta 2 to developers

In addition to iOS 16.3 and iPadOS 16.3 getting new betas, macOS Ventura 13.2 also got a new beta. So far, there’s not a lot of updates with macOS 13.2, and it looks like most of the new features work with iOS 16.3 and iPadOS 16.3. Like the support for Security Keys.

Now that we are getting closer to WWDC, it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see the next few updates for iOS, iPadOS and macOS be pretty minor. Especially after we heard from Gurman that Apple isn’t planning any major features for any of these products this year. Which might sound rather strange, but that is because Apple is focusing more on its AR/VR headset for 2023.

So there we have it. New developer betas for macOS, iPadOS and iOS. So lots of new toys for developers to play around with.