Hogwarts Legacy gets a delay for PS4 and Xbox One consoles

The wizarding world of Hogwarts Legacy is currently available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S, and is slated for release on PS4 and Xbox One as well. But it looks like the launch of the game on those last two consoles is being met with a delay. The dev team behind the game has reached out to fans on its official game twitter account, noting that the last-gen console version isn’t going to release on the originally planned date. Which was supposed to be April 4.

The team says it wants to deliver the best game possible. And as happy as it is to see people enjoying the game, it needs more time to put on some finishing touches for PS4 and Xbox One owners.

According to the tweet (spotted by engadget), Hogwarts Legacy is being delayed for PS4 and Xbox One until May 5. The delay is only a month, so not a terribly long time. In the grand scheme of things, a short wait could do the game some good. And it seems clear the development team doesn’t feel it’s quite ready for last-gen consoles.

That being said, this isn’t the game first delay for PS4 and Xbox One. It’s not even the first delay period.

Hogwarts Legacy was supposed to launch for PS4 and Xbox One on February 10

Prior to the April 4 launch, Hogwarts Legacy was supposed to be released for all platforms on the same date. February 10. But just before the launch it was delayed for last-gen consoles. This pushed the date out to April 4, which has now once again been pushed back. This time to May 5.

That is to say PS4 and Xbox One owners shouldn’t be surprised if there is another delay. That being said, if the devs feels a delay is needed, then it’s probably needed. The last thing they and players want is to have the game release on last-gen consoles with game-breaking bugs.