Google's new online safety features are powered by AI

Google today is announcing some new online safety features to promote safer browsing for all, and this includes a new tool called ‘About This Image’ that Google says will provide more context about visual content. Google is also introducing its latest iteration of Safe Browsing, giving you more control over your private data in Google Maps, and expanding access to its Dark Web report.

For those that use Google a lot to meet their search needs, no doubt images come up often and in many cases are not only part of the search intention, but can add additional information to the search results. In some instances the image may enhance the results. This new tool Google is introducing should help to enhance things further. Google says the tool can add quite a bit of extra information that might be useful. Such as when images were first indexed by Google.

Additionally, the tool can list details like where the image first appeared. As well as noting other online locations where the image has been found. Say it first appeared on a new publication for example. About This Image would show that context. But it would also show if it’s been shared around on social media.

About This Image is just the start

As mentioned Google is introducing a few new features today. But it’s also announcing the improvement of features that have been available for a while.

For example, Google already offers a Content Safety API tool that helps websites identify potential CSAM (child sexual abuse material) images. Websites like Facebook, Yubo and others already use this tool to help make the online world a safer space for kids. And going forward Google says the Content Safety API will be expanded to help identify potential CSAM in video content.

The Dark Web Report is another already available tool that is being expanded to make it more available. As of right now, you need to be a Google One subscriber in the US to make use of this tool. With it, you can scan your Gmail ID to see if pops up anywhere on the dark web. If it’s found, Google then provides assistance on what steps to take. Over the next few weeks Google says it’ll be expanding this tool to everyone in the US. So you’ll no longer need to be a Google One subscriber.

Delete your Maps search history more easily

Another new feature coming is an easier way to delete the search history from Maps. If you, like us, prefer to keep things organized, you likely go through and delete your Maps search history every so often.

Google is making it possible to now do this from the app in just a single tap for recent searches. Which means you’ll no longer have to do it from the Web & App Activity inside your browser. For those unaware, deleting Maps search history through Web & Activity requires multiple steps. Including having to filter your web and app activity my product. Going forward, you’ll be able to launch Maps, and delete your search history right from the app or website with just a tap.

Making the process a lot more convenient, easy to find, and faster to use.