A ton of companies will use AI to give interviews in the near future

Right now, we’re at the dawn of a new era in technology: The Age of AI. We expect AI technology to overtake human beings in many occupations over the next couple of years. In fact, an AI could stand between you and your next occupation. According to a survey, many companies say that they’ll conduct AI interviews by next year.

How many companies are going to use AI interviews?

The figure might surprise you. Resume Builder conducted a survey on several companies. Of the companies reviewed, 10% of them already use AI to interview candidates. However, 43% stated that they plan on using AI interviews by next year. That’s a substantial number. In all honesty, we don’t know how many companies were surveyed and we don’t know what types of companies.

However, it shows that companies are embracing this new AI age. If that scares you, there’s some good news. Of the companies interviewed, 80% said that there’s a chance that AI interviewers could screen out qualified candidates. That’s not a far-off assumption, as AI still isn’t perfect.

While almost half of the companies said that they’d use AI to interview candidates, 85% of companies said that they won’t use AI to choose the candidate without any human input. That’s good news because AI is not ready to be let off the leash just yet. It’s inevitable that companies will use AI in the hiring process, but at least most of them will try to have human input.

AI is definitely spreading

The news is dotted with headlines about more people using AI to supplement their school and work lives. A survey found that 55% of students admitted to using AI to write essays. Also, several lawyers got in trouble for using ChatGPT in their field. One surprising fact is that several developers admit to using AI to help with their coding.

It’s clear that we’re in for a major shift as people realize AI’s potential. This won’t come without some major casualties. People will lose their jobs and others will have trouble finding work. There are tools that can write blog posts in a snap; why hire a writer? There are tools that can generate images; why hire an artist?

The future of AI is uncertain. Are we going to be living out the Terminator series in a few years? Not likely. However, we might be on the cusp of a major revolution in the job market. We’ll just have to wait and see how this turns out.