Harry Potter: Magic Awakend is out, and it's fun!

Portkey Games recently released Hogwarts Legacy, but the company is not done pumping out Wizarding World wonders. The studio just released Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, and it boasts some fun gameplay.

This game is like the mobile counterpart to Hogwarts Legacy. You’re able to customize your character, travel around Hogwarts, and embark on several fun and exciting activities around the school. Obviously, there will be some major cutbacks compared to Legacy, but it’s still a fun experience to have on the go.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened gameplay

First, you’ll be creating your character. You’ll start by giving them a name and choosing certain aspects like skin tone, hairstyle, facial features, accessories, and robe. Then, you’ll go through the whole song and dance of going to Diagon Alley to get a wand and owl.

When you’re on the grounds, this is where your gameplay will begin. After getting your assignment via the sorting hat you’ll be placed in your dorm. So, what do you do in the game?


Let’s get the combat out of the way, as it’s probably the most fun activity in this game. Battles can take place in just about any place in the castle. You’ll even run into rand0m battles during your story missions.

This game has the Mana Battle system. You’ll have a constantly replenishing mana bar on the bottom and a selection of cards (spells) above it. Each spell you use will use up some of that mana. It’s the gameplay popularized by Clash Royale.

You can do 1v1 battles, but you can also do 2v2 battles, and those are really fun. As for the cards, they’ll be popular spells used throughout the movies and book series.


This was a surprising addition. You’re able to participate in ballroom dances with other students. These activities are like rhythm games where you have to tap on markers in time with the music.

Flying challenges

There are short challenges where you’ll need to fly your broom through rings in the air.

Story missions

There’s a campaign that has you playing through a story. You’ll be able to do these story missions along with side missions and other activities.

Overall, this is a fun game that gives you the ability to do different activities in different locations like Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, and London. You can download the game on the Play Store below.

Download Harry Potter: Magic Awakened