This latest Google easter egg is fun and sticky

What makes Tech fun? It’s not amazing technology or ground-breaking innovation. It’s the fun Easter eggs. Google has a new Katamari Easter egg that will have you rolling around your screen, according to Kotaku.

Google often uses Easter eggs that are hidden until you do certain searches. They make the search experience fun and give you a reason to use Google and give it your ad revenue money. Back in January, the company had an Easter egg dedicated to the launch of the HBO TV show The Last of Us. It would have a mushroom grow from the bottom of the screen.

Google has a new Katamari easter egg that is fun and sticky

If you’re unfamiliar with Katamari, it’s a popular video game series featuring a small character who has a magical ball that they roll around. As you roll around, objects along your path will get stuck on it. The more you roll, the more objects will get stuck on the ball.

This is something that Google is imitating with this new Easter egg. If you type the word Katamari into the Google search bar, you will reach the search page as usual. However, on the right side, you will see the Katamari ball. The ball will be spinning and bouncing around, so you’ll know exactly what to click on.

When you click on that, you’ll see a 3D model of the Katamari ball appear. Also, you will get a small pop-up window showing you how to control it. You’ll just use your arrow keys to control the ball. As you roll it, you will see sections of the UI being stuck to it.

The ball will roll up image thumbnails, words, buttons, chips, and other UI elements. However, don’t worry about the UI. On the bottom of the screen, you will see the “X” icon that will allow you to end it. At that point, you will see the screen go back to normal. This is a fun Easter egg, and it’s worth a try.