T-Mobile lays off almost 70% of its notable customer service team

Several tech companies are dropping their workers like ballasts as they struggle to take on the diminishing economy. Job cuts are affecting major companies like Microsoft, Google, Meta, Etc. T-Mobile is no stranger to this as the company has dropped several hundred more employees. According to The Mobile Report, T-Mobile laid off nearly 70% of its notable T-Force customer service team.

If you are unfamiliar with what T-Force is, it’s T-Mobile’s very notable team of customer service specialists. They were introduced back in 2018 when John Legere was the CEO.  The consisted of several call centers full of waiting customer service representatives to help people with their troubles.

T-Mobile laid off the majority of the T-Force team.

This story includes the increasingly common reality of people clocking into work only to find that they’ve been locked out of their accounts. Since this is such a big layoff, that’s a lot of accounts being locked. In fact, the number of people laid off appears to be around 1,000.

That’s not huge relative to the company, but it’s a major problem because it affects only one division. Before the layoff, there were 17 call centers that T-Force employees worked in. However, the number was reduced to only five. As you can imagine, this put the entire department in chaos. They’re working with a staff that’s been reduced by 67%. So, if you are in need of customer assistance from T-Mobile, there may be a change in the service that you get. Just be patient.

As for the workers who are laid off, there is a silver lining to this story. Those who are laid off have a choice between two options. The first option is to be relocated to another department. This means that they won’t have to go job hunting or risk a lapse in payment.

The other option is to leave and accept the severance package. If they choose that option, They will receive paychecks up until August 4th. Also, They will receive 10 shares of T-Mobile stock which is valued at $1,322. Those affected workers have until June 12th to decide.