Surprise! iPhone 15 Proves to be the Cheapest iPhone Since 2007

After many, many rumors about the iPhone 15 series going up in price this year, it ended up not happening for most models. Only the iPhone 15 Pro Max has a higher starting price, which is sort of offset by the fact that it now starts at 256GB of storage instead of 128GB.

But now the real question is, how does these prices stack up against previous iPhones? Well, PerfectRec has lined up the prices of every iPhone, from the very beginning and adjusted the prices for inflation to 2023. You can see how it all stacks up in the image below, but one thing is clear, the iPhone 15 is the most affordable iPhone since the original in 2007 which came in at $732, inflation-adjusted.

Interestingly, the iPhone 12 was the most expensive at $943 inflation-adjusted. Meanwhile the Pro models have consistently gone down in price. Of course, they have always been $999, so seeing how much our money has decreased over the years is rather surprising. The iPhone X would have cost $1,248 in 2023. Even moreso with the Pro Max models. With the iPhone 15 Pro Max being the second cheapest, solely because of the price increase this year.

The iPhone 5C would be super overpriced in 2023

Do you remember back in 2013, when Apple was trying to come out with a “cheaper” iPhone to bring in more of that Android market, and decided to launch the iPhone 5C? That unapologetically plastic iPhone? Yeah, it would cost you $720 inflation-adjusted in 2023. That’s pretty insane. Meanwhile, the other iPhone SE models have stayed under $500.

Say what you want about iPhone prices, the one thing that they are is, consistent. Even though other countries had seen price increases in previous years, in Europe and the UK, it actually saw a price decrease in 2023. Which is really surprising. Typically prices rise, and never come down, but they did for the UK and Europe this time around.