Amazon Luna adds the ability to buy games

It’s now possible to buy games on Amazon Luna meaning you can own the games you play on Amazon’s cloud gaming service. Up until this point, Luna operated on a subscription-based model. Where you pay a monthly fee and get access to collection of games to play. Games were split up into different tiers called ‘Channels’ and would offer a variety of titles. This method of accessing games on Luna isn’t going away. And Amazon will still offer it.

But there’s now the option buy games should you want to own the license in addition to playing them on the Luna service. If this sounds a little like how Stadia offered games, you’re not entirely wrong. But things are definitely different with the way Luna is offering things. And honestly it sounds like a better method.

Games you buy on Amazon Luna can be downloaded for offline play

Here’s the thing with buying games on Luna. This only applies to Ubisoft titles for now it seems. Which makes sense given Amazon added the ability in December of last year to link your Ubisoft account so as to link games you bought through the Ubisoft Connect app.

With this new change, if you buy a Ubisoft game through Luna, you can access it in the Ubisoft Connect app. So it’s available in both places. This is a good thing because, god forbid something happens to Luna and it goes belly up, you still own the license to the game. And it should be accessible in Ubisoft Connect. That’s how Amazon’s blog post about the new feature reads. Which means there would be pretty much zero hassle with accessing the game outside of Luna if it ever disappeared.

Something that can’t really be said for Stadia when it was going through its shutdown process. Amazon doesn’t mention if this will ever expand to games from other publishers.