Telegram is rolling out a major new update, adding several new features. Voice transcription, previously exclusive to Premium subscribers, is now available for everyone, though still with some limitations. Video messages on stories, reposting stories, and finding similar channels are other notable additions to the app.
Telegram brings voice transcription to free users
In June 2022, Telegram launched a $4.99 monthly subscription service that removed ads from the messaging app and offered exclusive features such as larger file uploads, faster downloads, larger groups, animated profile pictures, unique stickers and reactions, and voice-to-text transcription. The latter tool is coming to free users with the latest update. Anyone can tap the “→A” next to audio messages to quickly get a text version.
While Premium subscribers can transcribe unlimited audio messages, free users can convert only two messages per week. We hope Telegram will increase that limit later. Meanwhile, Telegram shows you similar public channels when you join a new channel. They appear in a carousel at the bottom of a channel you have just joined. You can also find similar channels in a channel’s profile.
Telegram Stories, which debuted a few months back, now supports reposting. A repost button at the bottom of stories posted by friends and favorite channels lets you quickly post them to your page. You can even add extra content on top of a story before reposting it. Telegram allows adding text, audio, or circular video for more context or commentary. You can manage visibility settings for your repost.
Video messages you add to stories—original and reposts—can be resized and moved around the screen. You can also pick the starting and ending frames for the video. Channels can now see statistics and detailed graphs for story views, shares, and reactions, helping them track their reach and performance. Channel admins can add custom reactions too. They get one custom reaction for each level.
Premium users get more profile color customizations
Telegram Premium lets users choose a unique color for their name, links, and replies, which show up in messages. The latest update gives more color combinations with the ability to add unique logos. Additionally, Premium users can customize wallpapers for both sides in a one-to-one conversation.
Other new features include coding language detection, improvements for Topics, and Thanos Snap Effects on iOS. All these changes are now rolling out on Android and iOS and should be available to everyone over the next few days. You can click here to update or download the latest version of Telegram from the Google Play Store.