Assassin’s Creed Mirage has received a new update this week that adds a new challenge to the game with permadeath, as well as some quality-of-life changes that include a few nice-to-have features. If you’ve played any amount of Assassin’s Creed games in the past few years, you’re likely aware of the amount of possible pieces of gear you can equip your character with. Some of these pieces of gear have unique abilities that are too strong to pass up. But, you might not be fond of the style. On the other side of things, the gear you love the style of might simply have weak abilities.
What’s an assassin to do if they want to look good while they dispense of their foes? Now you don’t have to make that choice. This week’s Assassin’s Creed Mirage update doesn’t just add permadeath. It’s also adding a transmog system. Ubisoft is simply calling this an “Outfit” feature, and it has one simple, yet amazing function. Giving you, the player, the ability to wear any costume you’ve acquired as an outfit. For example, in my playthrough, I’m wearing the Prince of Persia Sand outfit that’s part of the deluxe pack. Its abilities when paired with the Prince of Persia weapons are too good not to use for my playstyle.
That being said, there are some other great-looking costumes. This new outfit feature will enable the chance to make Basim look different while retaining the abilities of what gear you’re wearing. It’s a feature that’s purely for aesthetics. But it will no doubt make gameplay for many more enjoyable. And if you want, you can even swap outfits as you acquire them to experience all the different options the game has to offer. And if you haven’t played Assassin’s Creed Mirage yet, you can check it out with a Ubisoft+ subscription.
Test your mettle with permadeath in Assassin’s Creed Mirage with the ‘Full Synchronization Challenge’ mode
Full Synchronization Challenge mode is this game’s version of permadeath. It was designed to test your skills and see if you have what it takes to make it through the game without doing certain things. At any point if you fail to adhere to the rules, Basim “desynchronizes from the animus” and your save file is deleted forever. Then you must start your journey over. So what constitutes a desync? Ubisoft isn’t making this easy. Obviously, if you die, this activates the permadeath. But you’ll also have to avoid committing illegal acts. This will include killing citizens even if it’s an accident. You also can’t go outside map locations where you’re authorized to be.
All of these things will result in a desync from the animus and then you’re just, done. Once permadeath is in play, you’re met with a new screen that shows you a series of stats from your run. Including what your cause of death was, how many conflicts you had, and what your total playtime was.
Now you might ask yourself, why go through the nail-biting stress of a permadeath run? For some, it’s simply for the challenge of beating the game while afflicted with a few extra modifiers that don’t work in your favor. But for this mode, Ubisoft has added some carrots to chase. If you finish the game on easy mode you’ll unlock a Talisman. While finishing the game on normal gets you the Talisman and the Rayhan costume. If you feel like your assassin skills are up to the task, completing the challenge mode on hard will net you those items plus six new dyes. So there is in fact a reason to give this a shot. That is if you like collecting everything possible.
A new easter egg and some bug fixes
As is customary with most game updates, there are a few bug fixes included. But there’s also a new easter egg for players to find. Ubisoft doesn’t give away the whole thing, but it’s pretty clear the easter egg involves a cat. “We added a surprise easter egg to the world, a new special assassin that you might meet purrusing the streets. Be sure to snap a photo if you meownage to find them,” Ubisoft says. This doesn’t give it away entirely but it does give you a hint so you have an idea of what to look for.
As for bug fixes, they range from general fixes like disappearing sword models in the store to more specific ones geared towards New Game Plus. You can read about the full set of changes and bug fixes in Ubisoft’s official post.