ChromeOS adds location control for individual apps in new update

The latest ChromeOS update lets users have more control over their privacy by managing permissions and app-level location control. Users can expect enhanced transparency and control over their data with the updated privacy controls. This feature is part of a larger security update announced by the tech giant on Thursday.

ChromeOS’ new update empowers users with enhanced privacy and location controls

Privacy controls get a boost with this week’s update, and the ability to adjust app-level permissions for the camera, microphone, and other geolocation services is now available. However, some features will be exclusive to enterprise users while some privacy and location settings have implications for all users.

Google unveiled the latest enhancements following the recently updated camera and microphone toggle at the system level. With this release, it is now possible to determine separately which apps or services should utilize the geo-location details of an individual user thus granting finer control over information.

Users can apply the feature through the Security & Privacy settings, where they can disable Google Location Services or customize app permissions according to their choice. For example, one may allow or disallow camera or microphone access depending on the use case for specific applications.

Control exactly what information the apps can access

The company’s blog post talked about Instagram as an example case and described how you could manage app-level permissions for this tool. For instance, turning on camera permission means that it allows the application to do so whenever needed. This kind of authority extends to other applications and features thereby enabling people to decide how much of their information is getting out.

This latest update aims at improving productivity and transparency by giving users more control over their privacy settings. It ensures users’ safety as they reserve the power to choose whichever app can access personal data. ChromeOS’ new version brings us closer than before to securing our information while establishing limits on third-party apps’ behavior towards our private stuff.