Diablo Immortal celebrates WoW 20th with tons of in-game rewards

While there may never be a proper WoW mobile game (you can play WoW via GeForce NOW though), you can have a little taste of Azeroth inside of Sanctuary with the WoW 20th celebration that’s going on in Diablo Immortal. Blizzard officially announced the next big series of events happening in the game and it includes several super cool rewards you can earn through gameplay and otherwise.

While some of these rewards are certainly cool and likely will be for most players, they will especially strike a chord with long-time WoW fans. As some of these rewards are based on very hard-to-get items that could sometimes take months to acquire.

The celebration event, officially named ‘Eternal War,’ won’t kick off until November 13. All of the content should be live around 3am Pacific Standard Time, though, so if you’re an early riser and you can’t sleep for some reason, you can boot up Diablo Immortal and get started on the new content.

The WoW 20th event in Diablo Immortal introduces skins of WoW legendary weapons

There was nothing cooler in the early days of WoW than having one of the highly coveted legendary weapons. “Did someone say Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?” became a common meme tossed around in the general chat. And to be around for those moments was a special treat. Owning the weapon in its prime, though, now that was something else. While it doesn’t make as much of an impact these days, it still looks cool as hell.

Which is why it’s pretty exciting that Blizzard is adding Thunderfury and a few other legendary weapons to Diablo Immortal as weapons skins. In total, there is one weapon skin being added from WoW to Diablo Immortal for each class. So everybody gets something. However, some classes are a bit luckier with the skins they’ll be able to apply.

Thunderfury is arguably the most iconic (and coolest-looking) legendary that WoW ever had. So if you want this skin in Diablo Immortal, you’ll want to level up and play the Tempest class. Blizzard is also adding Shadowmourne for Necromancers, Thori’dal, the Stars’ Fury for Demon Hunters, and Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian for Wizards.

Those are all the legendary weapon skins but there are still a few more skins based on Epic and Artifact weapons. Barbarians will be able to acquire Gorehowl, while Crusaders get Truthguard, Monks get Fist of the Heavens, and Bloodknights get Remornia. All of these will be earnable through gameplay. You will also be able to purchase two different Ashbringer cosmetics from the shop.

Take part in the Eternal War, and face off against the Lich King in the Frozen Throne

The Lich King is undoubtedly one of the most iconic villains in all of World of Warcraft, and you’ll be able to fight him in Diablo Immortal once this event goes live. Players can take part in the Eternal War event to earn legendary skins, which will include a series of different daily tasks and smaller activities. Players who want to face off against the Lich King though will want to head to the Frozen Throne.

Starting at the same time as the Eternal War event, players can enter ‘The Fallen Citadel’ to take on the Lich King. This massive boss fight probably won’t be easy but the rewards will be worth it. As you have a chance to earn legendary weapon cosmetics by defeating him. Blizzard is also adding a new legendary gem based on WoW, as well as a handful of other WoW-themed activities and even a companion skin, the Murloc (“mrglwglwlg!”)!