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Novak Djokovic is yet to make a call on whether he will play at this year's Wimbledon championships but said on Tuesday his recovery from surgery is going "surprisingly well" and he has his sights set on the Paris Olympics.

Djokovic has been training at Wimbledon this week on the practice courts as he steps up his recovery from surgery on a torn meniscus in his right knee. He travelled from London to Munich on Tuesday to watch Serbia's 0-0 draw with Denmark.

"I haven't decided yet if I'm playing Wimbledon. I'll decide in the next few days," Djokovic said on RTS in Munich. "Thank God, the recovery is going surprisingly well. After Wimbledon are the Olympic Games in Paris, which I am especially looking forward to."

Djokovic picked up the injury at the French Open during his fourth-round match against Francisco Cerundolo on June 3. A day later Djokovic announced he had torn the meniscus and would be withdrawing from the tournament and then had surgery on June 5.

The surgery went well, but Djokovic was reluctant to put a time frame on the recovery. At the time it was expected he'd miss Wimbledon to prioritise getting fit for Paris 2024. Gold in the men's singles is one of the few titles Djokovic is yet to win.

But Djokovic's recovery is progressing quicker than expected, and he is still in the mix for Wimbledon. Djokovic is a seven-time men's singles champion at Wimbledon. The draw for takes place on Friday morning.

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