Motorola Cliq to get Android 2.1 in Q2? Where's My Update?

The question that cliq owners have been asking themselves is “when am I getting my upgrade”. Motorola announced on its official upgrade release chart that the cliq 2.1 update will be release by the end of Q2. The clock is ticking and still no update. 1st gen Android phones are just not feeling the love these days. With the discontinuation of the Eris and delayed updates to older OS releases, it’s no question that 1st gen Android phones are reaching the end of their days.
Motorola is focusing it’s efforts on the release of the Droid X, available on July 15th. It would be surprising if they would push an OTA update before then. I’m just not sure why they’re even bothering with the imminent release of Froyo 2.2 in the pipes. Froyo is said to have significantly faster OS and browsing capabilities which may breath new life into older phones. These optimizations made by google may have been done with 1Ghz phone architecture in mind.
Stay patient CliQ owners, your update will come, but probably closer to mid July.